Meine Hobbys sind Lesen, Lesen und Schreiben. Das Ergebnis dieser beiden findet sich hier wieder. Neben Rezensionen der von mir gelesenen Bücher gibt es auch meine Erfahrungen auf dem Weg zu dem ersten von mir verfassten Roman. Autorin werden ist schließlich mein Kindheitstraum - Zeit das der sich erfüllt.
Title: Like & Subscribe
Author: Jay Bell
Capacity: ca. 66 pages, Ebook
Remember that hunky guy on YouTube who caught your eye? The one with the awesome pecs and killer smile? I bet you couldn’t stop watching his videos. Just imagine if you had a chance to meet him and all your fantasies started coming true. There’s only one catch: Between you and your dream guy is his less-than-pleased boyfriend. They say that love conquers all, but can love conquer love?
I loved this little story. It was great story for in between. I liked the writing style and enjoyed reading. It was a little longer than the other short-stories I read and I think it had a perfect length.
I grant 4 of 5 points.