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Title: Roommate wanted - Sharing space 1
Author: Nina Perez
What’s it about:
Chloe finds her boyfriend Lawrence cheating on her what is one more thing in her life that is not happening how she planned them. At least not in this particular week.
Her flatmate Grace had just moved out the day before and now she is in need of a flatmate because she can’t efford to pay the rent on her own. She also doesn’t want the landlord to chose a new flatmate. But she can’t imagine living together with anyone who is answering her ad in the internet until she receives an email from Pat Murphy.
What I say:
I expected a story full of humor and romance. It should be a story that is fun to read. That is exactly what it is even though there is not much of the romance in there. For getting that it is necessary to read the following books of this series.
The idea of the story isn’t new but I like it anyway. It was fun to read. I like the writing style because it fits perfectly to the pace of the story.
The characters were nice to get to know and it is easy for the reader to follow their decisions in terms of why they choose to do it.
All in all I really liked the book but some things are missing. There is the romance part for one and something I can not really define. But for a good book: 3 of 5 points.